Privacy policy

QUILANTRO (hereinafter the website) In its commitment to the Protection of Confidentiality and Privacy of Personal Data, it has adapted all its business processes, and especially those that involve the processing of personal data, to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD), adapting them to the new requirements and implementing the necessary security measures based on the results obtained of the risk analysis carried out.

This Privacy Policy describes what personal information we may collect, why we use it and, generally, the processes and ways in which we may process it.

By providing us with your personal data, you expressly acknowledge that we may use it in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. Giving consent to all treatments will allow us to offer you a service that is as adapted as possible to your needs. Even so, we inform you that you can choose to limit the treatments of your choice, as long as they are not necessary for the execution of the contract, a legitimate interest of the controller prevails or they respond to a legal obligation.

If you provide personal information about other people for any of our services or if you are a contact person for a Company and are providing personal information about employees and/or alternative contacts, you must ensure that you have communicated this Privacy Policy to them and that you have your permission to share your information with us.

From time to time, we may have to make changes to the Privacy Policy, for example, as a result of new legal regulation, jurisprudential developments, the adaptation of new technology or other developments in Personal Data Protection regulations or of privacy in general. We advise you to consult our website periodically to consult the most updated Privacy Policy.


The entity responsible for processing your data is:

Quilantro Space S.L. 

CIF B85634954 

Calle Hermosilla 48 1º dcha

Contact email regarding personal


We may collect your personal information:

  • FROM YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE (by filling out forms or questionnaires, communicating with us by post, telephone, email or otherwise); 
  • FROM THIRD PARTIES, (for example, when it is the company you work for that provides your contact information, etc.).

All the information you provide us must be truthful, taking responsibility for all the data you communicate to us and must keep the information perfectly updated so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation. In any case, the person who provides the information will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damage caused to the website, or to third parties due to the information provided. 

If you provide us with information about other people, you must obtain their consent. If you provide us with information about other people, you must obtain their consent.


We may collect your personal information through:

  • Our website (including through the use of cookies);
  • By phone;
  • By email;
  • Forms.


We only request the information essential to fulfill the service provision that you request from us.

Where we need to collect personal data by law or under the terms of a contract, and you do not provide that information when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered into or are trying to enter into with you. In this case, we may not be able to conclude the contract you wish to sign or we may have to cancel a service you have contracted, although we will notify you appropriately.

For the purposes of technical security and system diagnosis, in an anonymized or pseudonymized manner, the website may record the IP address (identification number for the device’s Internet access, which allows devices, systems and servers to recognize and communicate with each other) This information may be used for web performance analytical purposes.


The personal data provided voluntarily through any means will be incorporated into the Records of the processing activities owned by the website, for the following purposes:

  • The processing and management of the request for information and/or advice through this site, by telephone or by email.
  • Provide the services included in the Website and/or provide the requested information, whether via the web, by email or by telephone.
  • Manage the contractual or commercial relationship established between the website and the Users and/or Clients.
  • Manage compliance with contractual or extra-contractual obligations assumed by the website.

We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which it was collected, unless we reasonably consider that we must use it for some other reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose.

In the event that we need to use your personal information for unrelated purposes, we will notify you sufficiently in advance and explain the legal basis that allows us to do so.


Each purpose for which we process your personal data has a legal basis that justifies why we are using your personal data. Below, we present these legal bases: 

  • The User has given their consent to request information through the Contact form. You are free to withdraw your consent by contacting us. However, the withdrawal of this consent may affect our ability to provide the requested service.
  • The User and/or Client has provided their personal data within the framework of a contractual or pre-contractual relationship. The processing is necessary for the conclusion and/or performance of a contract.
  • The User and/or Client has given their informed consent for the installation of tracking systems that report on browsing habits according to the Cookies Policy.

Likewise, there may be cases in which processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject or is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.


We may disclose your personal information to the third parties detailed below for the strict purposes described in this Privacy Policy. You can contact us for more information regarding the communication of your personal information.

The third parties listed below will only use your personal information under our strict instruction and are required to ensure that appropriate security measures are implemented.

  • IT services companies.
  • IT and systems administration service providers.
  • Professional advisors.

We may also disclose your personal information to third parties when: 

  • The disclosure is required by law or by a Government Body with authority over us or you, such as when there is a court order, legal obligation, etc.; 
  • We believe that such disclosure is necessary to assist in the prevention or detection of any criminal action (including fraud) or in the public interest. 


Our website uses social network plug-ins for its presentation on the Internet. Plugins can be recognized by the logo of the social network (e.g. Facebook white “f” on a blue square or the drawing of a “thumbs up”) or the legend. Below we inform you about the processing of personal data through these social networks. 

If you access a web page that contains a plugin of this type, your browser establishes a direct connection with the social network’s servers and it transmits the content of the plugins directly to the user’s browser, integrating it into the website. Therefore, we cannot influence the extent of the data that the social network collects with the help of these plugins,  so we can only inform you about the following:

By incorporating the plugins, the corresponding social network receives the information that the user has opened the corresponding page on our website. If the user is simultaneously logged in to the social network, it can assign the visit to their account. When you interact with the plugins, for example by pressing the “I like” or when you write a comment, the relevant information is transmitted directly from your web browser to the corresponding social network where it is stored. Even though you are not a member of the social network, there is a possibility that the social network will find out your IP address and memorize it. 

The website does not know which buttons the user has used or when. Please consult, in the respective current version of the Data Protection instructions of the corresponding social network, the purpose and volume of the data collected, the subsequent processing and use of the data by the social network, as well as the corresponding rights and adjustment possibilities to protect the private sphere. 

If you want to prevent social networks from collecting data through our Internet presentation, you must log out of social networks before entering our website. 


A cookie (or computer cookie) is a small piece of information sent by a website and stored in the user’s browser, so that the website can check the user’s previous activity.

Its main functions are:

  • Keep track of users: when a user enters their username and password, a cookie is stored so that they do not have to be entered for each page on the server. However, a cookie does not identify just a person, but a combination of computer-browser-user.
  • Obtain information about the user’s browsing habits. 

Cookies can be accepted or blocked by configuring them through the banner established for this purpose on the website, and deleted through your web browser.

The website uses its own and third-party Cookies. You can get more information by consulting our Cookies Policy .


We will keep your personal data only for as long as it is necessary and for the purpose for which it was originally collected. In particular, as long as there is any possibility that you or we may wish to make a legal claim under the contracted service, or where we are required to store your personal data due to legal or regulatory reasons.

However, the data will remain blocked during the periods determined by the regulations specified above, in order to be able to meet any responsibilities that may arise. Once these periods have elapsed, it will be deleted, unless the interested party has authorized its processing for specific purposes for a longer period.

In some circumstances, we may anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for statistical purposes, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without notice to you.


Currently, the website does not carry out any international transfer of personal data outside the European Union. 

However, should this occur in the future, we want to ensure that your data is stored and transferred securely. Therefore, we will only transfer it outside the European Union, when data protection legislation is complied with and the means of transfer offer adequate guarantees in relation to your data, for example:

  • Through a data transfer agreement incorporating the current standard contractual clauses established by the European Commission for the transfer of personal data by data controllers in the EEA to data controllers and processors in territories lacking adequate protection laws of data; or
  • Subscribing to the EU – US Privacy Shield framework for the transfer of personal data from entities based in the EU to entities located in the United States or another equivalent agreement in relation to other territories; or
  • Transferring this data to countries for which the European Commission has adopted an adequacy decision regarding the degree of protection conferred on them by legislation; or
  • Where it is necessary for the formation or performance of a contract between us and a third party, and the transfer is in your interests for the purposes of that contract (for example, if we must transfer the data outside the EEA to comply with our obligations pursuant to said contract if you are our client); or
  • When you have given your consent for the transfer of the data.

To ensure that your personal information receives an adequate level of protection, we will put in place appropriate procedures with third parties with whom we exchange your personal data, to ensure that such third parties treat your personal information in a manner consistent with data protection legislation and that they respect it.


We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized manner, modified or disclosed, all in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016. /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as what is established in the applicable national regulations.

We have also implemented procedures to deal with any suspected breach of personal data security. If this occurs, we will notify you and any relevant regulatory entity (Spanish Data Protection Agency).

However, while we strive to protect your personal information, the nature of the Internet prevents us from being able to guarantee 100% security of your information. With this in mind, any data transmission over the Internet will be at your own risk, so we encourage you to take every precaution to protect your personal information while online.


You can freely exercise your Rights of Access, Rectification, Deletion, Opposition and Limitation to the processing of your data, as well as the portability of the same and not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling.

Specifically, you have the right to:

  • That we provide you with further details about our use of your personal data / special category of data.
  • That we provide you with access to your personal data, including obtaining a copy of the personal information that you have provided to us; 
  • That we update any inaccuracies in your personal data; 
  • That we delete any category of personal data that no longer has a legal basis for its use; 
  • When the treatment is based on consent, withdraw your consent (without retroactive effect) so that we cease processing based on said consent; 
  • Object to any processing based on legitimate interest, unless our reasons for carrying out that processing outweigh any harm to your Data Protection Rights; 
  • Restrict how we use your personal data while a complaint is being investigated. 

In certain circumstances, we will be forced to restrict the above rights to safeguard the public interest (for example, the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (for example, the maintenance of legal privilege). 

The exercise of rights is free. However, we may charge you a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. 

The exercise of Rights is very personal, so to exercise them you must prove your identity or that of your Legal Representative. 

In the event that you do not properly prove your identity or there are doubts regarding the right exercised, we will contact you to clarify these matters.

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or if you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you appropriately. 

If you wish to exercise any of the rights set forth above, please contact us through:

Quilantro Space S.L. (hereinafter the website)

CIF B85634954 

Calle Hermosilla 48 1º dcha
28001 Madrid

In said communication you must indicate “Personal data protection” as the subject, indicate your name and surname, attach a photocopy of your D.N.I. or supporting document, and determine an address for the purposes of notifications and the reasoned request in which the request is specified, date and signature.

In the event that you are finally not satisfied with the use we make of your personal data or with our response to any request for Rights that you exercise, you can make the appropriate complaint to theAGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS.


This website may contain links to third party websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that they have their own Privacy Policies and that we do not accept any responsibility for these policies or their processing of your personal information. Please review these policies before submitting personal information to such third-party websites.