Proclaimer (legal notice)

In compliance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society [wpml_nbsp] and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform the user that www. is a domain on the Internet including a portal or website that belongs to the entity:

Quilantro Space S.L. (hereinafter the website)

CIF B85634954 

Calle Atalayas 29
Villanueva de la Cañada
Madrid, 28692

Terms of use

These General Terms of Use in this proclaimer regulate the access and use of the website, as well as all the contents that are displayed or made available to users.

Due to the importance of guaranteeing and protecting the privacy of the data provided by users and subscribers to our newsletters, the website strictly complies with the requirements established in Law 34/2002, of July 11, LSSICE, and for this purpose has created the following Proclaimer – Legal Notice.

The website informs you that the use of the portal, including mere access, gives you the status of User. In this sense, a user is understood to be the person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services of this website.

The User compromises to use the portal in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, regulations and instructions made known to him, as well as morality, generally accepted good customs and public order. If the User does not agree with any of the conditions established here, they should not use/access this portal.

The website reserves the right to make as many modifications as it deems appropriate with regard to the Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of this portal. In this regard, it will be understood that the user accepts those published on the website at each time they access.

These General Conditions of Use will not prevent the setting by the web of other particular conditions for contracting or using certain services or products offered to users.

Intellectual and industrial property

Through this Legal Notice, no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred to the website or any of its component elements.

Todos los Contenidos del presente portal, entendiendo por estos a título meramente enunciativo los textos, fotografías, gráficos, imágenes, iconos, tecnología, software, links y demás contenidos audiovisuales o sonoros, así como su diseño gráfico y códigos fuente, y los derechos de propiedad intelectual que pudieran corresponder a dichos contenidos, así como todas las marcas, nombres comerciales o cualquier otro signo distintivo, son propiedad de la web o de sus legítimos propietarios, quedando reservados todos los derechos sobre los mismos y sin que puedan entenderse cedidos al Usuario ninguno de los derechos de explotación sobre los mismos, más allá de lo estrictamente necesario para el correcto uso del Portal; se encuentran por tanto protegidos por la normativa de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial, en particular por el R.D.L 1/96 que aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual y por la Ley de Marcas.

The User is prohibited from any act of reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of the Contents, except in cases where is legally permitted or authorized in writing by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The website will not be responsible for any damages or losses that may arise from the use of the Contents by users or from the infringement by them of any current legal provision.

In the event that any person considers that a violation of their rights has occurred on this portal, they must immediately notify the website.


The website reserves the right to make the changes it deems appropriate to the portal without prior notice, being able to change, delete or add both the content and services it provides and the way in which they are presented or located.

El Usuario del portal se compromete a hacer un uso correcto del Portal y sus Contenidos de conformidad con la Ley, las buenas costumbres, el orden público y el presente Aviso Legal, y a no emplearlos para incurrir en actividades ilícitas o contrarias a la buena fe y al ordenamiento legal, y a no provocar daños en los sistemas físicos y lógicos de la web, de sus proveedores o de terceras personas. and, in general, to carry out advertising or commercial exploitation activities, to maintain evaluations in a threatening or non-friendly tone or to damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the website and its contents or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of them by part of the users.

The User will respond to the web, or to third parties, for any damages that may be caused as a result of breaching said obligations. 

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility


Access to the website requires technical support from servers or telecommunications service provider companies, including transport through telecommunications networks, whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation do not correspond to the website.

Therefore, the website does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the Portal’s operation, the  Services and/or the Contents, not assuming any type of responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of said availability or continuity, derived from failures in the electrical supply, failure of the servers or any other cause of force majeure.


The website adopts reasonably adequate security measures, but cannot guarantee the absolute invulnerability of the security systems of the Portal and the Services, nor can it guarantee the security or inviolability of said data in its transmission through the network; The User must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable.

Therefore, all liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the knowledge that unauthorized third parties may have of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the users of the Portal, the Services and/or the Contents is excluded.

The website does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses, worms, cookies, or other elements in the Contents that may cause alterations in your computer system (hardware and software) or in electronic documents and files stored on your computer system.  In any case, the User is responsible for the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.

La web [wpml_nbsp] excluye toda responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de todo tipo que puedan deberse a la presencia de estos virus o elementos lesivos en los Contenidos. 


The website does not control the use that users make of the Portal, the Services and/or the Contents, therefore it does not guarantee that their use is made in accordance with current legislation and these general conditions.

The website excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the use of the Portal, the Services and the Contents by users. 

Applicable legislation

This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its extremes by Spanish Law, the parties expressly waiving the jurisdiction that corresponds to them, and submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.