some projects

An example of renovation of an apartment in Madrid

The clients contacted us. The last tenant just left and they were looking for a property management company who could support them in renting their flat again. We visited the flat and it was clear. It needed some renovation.

These were the reasons for a renovation:

  • humidity from two walls
  • outdated electricity
  • no insulation of walls, noisy, you could here the neighbours talk in this building of the fifties
  • outdated bathroom and kitchen
  • windows in bad state
  • floor tiles old fashioned
  • plastering of walls in a bad state

It was not too difficult to convince the clients. Our plans fitted the budget.

So, what was it we were going to do?

  • Renovation of the bathroom, including a new ‘false’ ceiling, new sliding door, furniture and sanitary and new plumbing
  • new tilt windows in the apartment
  • total renewal of electricity
  • placing acoustic insulation of several walls and ceiling, creating a false ceiling and plastering of all ceilings and walls
  • new open kitchen with a small bar (American kitchen), by tearing down the wall between the living room and the kitchen
  • plastering and insulating the humid walls
  • placing new laminate floor including attractive baseboard
  • new heating system in bathroom and new boiler

and we started…

Situation before and during renovation

Situation after renovation

Situation after renovation

Situation after renovation

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How did we end the project?

The apartment looks great. No problems anymore with humidity, insulation problems.

People are looking for this kind of apartments.

So we looked for tenants, not being students. Within two weeks we found new tenants,
reliable, solvent and taking care of the apartment.
So both owner and we very satisfied
with this whole project, as you can understand.


If you are interested to learn more on how you can benefit from this service,
then please contact us

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