
Live far, manage near

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Live abroad while we take care of your property

Competitive package and fees

Responsibility is our motto. We take care of your property as if we were the owner. Responsibility means understand the challenges (no matter how big or small they are) the owner of the property is facing on short or long term. Significa también pasar a la acción, mirando los gastos y dada cada situación específica

Responsibility is our motto. We take care of your property as if we were the owner. Responsibility means understand the challenges (no matter how big or small they are) the owner of the property is facing on short or long term. It also means taking action, taking into account the costs in every specific situation.

We speak English, Spanish and Dutch and work together closely with people of other nationalities.

Contacta conmigo

Hello, my name is Lilian Hermans, real estate agent and property manager. Please send me a message and I will contact you as soon as possible.